Frequent Asked Questions


If you have any further question about Ostomygel, please contact us on Mobile / WhatsApp: +1 (786) 633-1664 or email: [email protected].

1. What is Ostomygel?

Ostomygel is a powder composed of sodium polyacrylate and activated charcoal that transforms the liquid contents of the ostomy pouches into gel, preventing leaks, helping to prevent peristomal skin lesions and minimizing odors.


2. What kinds of ostomy can Ostomygel use?

Ostomygel is indicated for use in ostomy pouches of ileostomized and colostomized patients who produce liquid stools or have episodes of diarrhea. The product is not intended for use in urostomy bags (urine collection).


3. How should I use Ostomygel?

  1. Put two measures of Ostomygel into a clean and sanitized ostomy pouch. Placement can be done from either the top (bag resin) or the bottom (drainage opening). 
  2. When the contents of the ostomy pouch reach 2⁄3 of their capacity, it is indicated to be changed or sanitized. 
  3. After ostomy pouch cleaning, Ostomygel should be used again in the same proportion as two measurements as per guideline 1. 


4. When should I use Ostomygel?

Ostomygel can be used whenever necessary because there’s no contraindication for use.


5. How much Ostomygel should I use?

Put two measures of Ostomygel in a clean and sanitized ostomy pouch.


6. Should I use Ostomygel every day?

Ostomygel should be used at every change or cleaning of the ostomy pouch, or whenever the ostomy’s needed.


7. Do I have to hygienize my ostomy purse before using Ostomygel?

Preferably, the ostomy pouch should be clean and sanitized before using Ostomygel, but the product can be used when you need. 


8. What is the absorption capacity of Ostomygel?

Each measure of Ostomygel gels approximately 100ml of liquids and turns them into gel without increasing their volume.


9. What are the benefits of Ostomygel?

  • Transforms the liquid feces inside the ostomy pouch into gel 
  • Has activated carbon that reduces odors 
  • Prolongs ostomy pouch grip 
  • Prevents stool infiltration into peristomal skin 
  • Prevents skin damage from leaks 
  • Decreases nighttime discomforts and leaks 
  • Reduces bag bloating and internal gases 
  • Prevents constant humidity of the ostoma
  • Facilitates bag drainage